When I relocated to a new place after my marriage, I had to quit my job in order to accommodate the movement. For a workaholic who is used to working fifteen hours in a day, the free time initially came as a welcome but gradually turned to be solitary confinement. With a lot of effort and countless thoughts, I started searching for work-from-home options. My previous experience could no longer help me work at home so alternately I decided to do the next best thing I am good at i.e. writing. With a self-paced attitude I started working on it and today I am a full-time content writer. Since then I believed that Content writers are born with not just flair for writing but a motive behind the writing. Each content writer’s motive may differ from one another. Motive aside, content writers are an outcome of choice and circumstance too.
Trends in Content Writing
When I say motive web content writers often look for a platform to showcase their skills, ideas, message, thoughts, and beliefs. They can range from voicing on social issues to keeping a diary of events, from conveying a community awareness message to making people aware of social taboos, from writing about a random event to writing on review on a new film or a book, from writing about a new service to writing about a company. Content writing is thus boundless. Content writing has now become trendy and the finest way to spread a message. While content writing is one way of voicing opinions and concerns, it can only be coupled with a platform to voice them. This platform is a social media platform, social networking platform, and print media. This platform can be broadly classified into internet-based and non-internet-based.
One such popular, most favored, sought after and widely used internet-based social networking platform is “Twitter”. Twitter came into existence in 2006 and rapidly gained popularity. Twitter accounts are public and these messages can be viewed by a wide section of people across all the world. Twitter also gained mass acceptance in the political sections, celebrities, and among the shakers & movers of the society. This has in turn raised it as the best used social networking platform to convey our opinions, views in the form of short messages called tweets. Each Twitter account holder has followers who would be aptly getting the tweets posted by the account holder. They have an option of responding to the tweets too. This is a platform that is
• Youthful
• Widely used
• Open platform
• Free of cost
• Easily accessible
With a host of benefits, Twitter becomes one of the best social networking channels to voice out. Content writers have thus found a new arena to spread the message and follow people’s opinions. This potential relationship had thus empowered content writers to use Twitter extensively.
Twitters & Content Writers
• Content Writers feel the need to connect with a wide section of the audience for spreading their views, messages, propositions, and thoughts.
• Content writers when connected to a lot of people can convey their message faster.
• Content writers can also get the grip of the social perceptions thus making a way for their own opinions.
• It also gives a creative way of expressing their viewpoint.
Thus content writers having Twitter accounts have more public attention, viewers, and above all a better stage to let their voice be heard. To all the fellow writers, connect yourself to Twitter and exploit a whole new set audience.