Know the Popular Best Practices of Email Marketing

Email marketing is regarded as a traditional yet effective way of generating leads for the business. Operating at any scale and domain, best practices can help any business to grow exponentially. Here are some of these:

  1. Make use of Incentives to Enhance Open Rates: This is one of key principles that form the basis of email marketing. When one gives a mention of incentive in the subject line, it helps in enhancing the email open rate by 50%. It can include a bonus of free shipping or a free gift to allure the receivers. Try these incentive-focused subject lines to grab more attention of the prospective customers.
  2. Add Main Message in Combination with Call-to-Action: Always ensure that the message and call to action is delivered right over the fold to allure as many as 70% of recipients. Also, one must ensure that the section stating call to action must be given at least 3 times in the entire email.
  3. Opt for Ideally 3 Typefaces: This principle helps to ensure that the email is less cluttered, thereby increasing the conversions by a better rate. Avoid junking up the email with more than 2, or 3 typefaces.
  4. Clarity of Mail: There is nothing more annoying than disrupted and unclear text depicted in the mail. So this principle states that email must be 500-650 Pixels Wide. Going wider than this is a strict No-No.
  5. Placement of Logo – It is advised to put the brand/company logo on the Upper Left-Hand Side of a mail. This has been recommended after assessing and undertaking the eye-tracking studies which state that most of online readers instinctively look for logos on the upper left-hand side. Following this principle can help any brand to gain most visibility.
  6. Attractive Subject Lines: Most of the emails are opened or deleted basis their subject lines. An ideal subject line shouldn’t have more than 30 to 50 characters and must throw a sense of urgency. Additionally, the subject line must lead to what contains in the mail otherwise the readers feel cheated/misled.
  7. Form a Closely Tie Between Mails and Landing Pages: This principle hints towards correlating subject line with the content on the landing page of the website. Also, the look and feel of landing page must be in sync with the email.

About us: Email marketing is one of the important parts of digital marketing campaign. This involves web tracking and advanced analytic to successfully run email campaign those are timed and personalized.