Republic Day is the day of honor for every Indian citizen. It was the day when the Indian Constitution came into execution in 1950. Every year, Indians celebrate this day with full enthusiasm and joy. It is the day on which the bulkiest and longest constitution of the world came into reality. The Indian Constitution provides every Indian citizen with the privileges and power to question the government against exploiting their rights. Due to this, India has the longest constitution in the world.
Why was the constitution implemented on 26th January 1950?
26th January is a very historical day. In 1929, Jawaharlal Nehru announced the Purna Swaraj resolution in the Lahore session for Indian citizens. The word Puran Swaraj means total independence that provides every Indian with the faith of independence from Britishers. From this year, everyone treated 26th January as Independence Day till 1947. As we can see, this day has very historical significance in Indian history. Therefore, the Indian government decided to make its constitution in force on 26th January 1950.
About the Indian Constitution
The Indian Constitution was considered a live book for everyone. It is the heartbeat of Indian democracy. It aids every single person in every possible way. It provides them with the liability to solve their problems legally. The constitution consists of the solution to situations that arise between the people. Let us have a look at the features of the Indian form:
- It is a document that consists of almost 22 parts, 395 articles, and 12 schedules. Therefore, it is known as the most lengthy constitution in the world.
- The drafting committee took around three years to write the Indian laws after eleven successful sessions with a committee of about 308 people.
- After studying the bodies of several countries, the drafting committee was able to draft the laws successfully. They took several ideas from different constitutions to provide everyone with the best.
- The Indian statute says that India is a country of democracy. It means the government is made of people by the people for the people.
- It is a very rigid and flexible constitution. The executive council can amend the laws in meaningful manners after a majority.
Republic Day Celebrations: A Very Precious Day for Everyone
Republic Day is a significant and remarkable day for everyone. People with energy and joy wait for 26th January annually. The Hon’ble Prime Minister of India hosts the National Flag at India Gate, Delhi. He pays tribute to soldiers and freedom fighters for their immense efforts for India. A powerful and energetic parade takes place from India gate to Rajghat. The march takes place after the award ceremony in which awards are given to those soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the sake of India. Let us have a look at the highlights of the Republic Day parade:
- Every segment of the Indian Army performs in this parade in various ways, such as riding bikes, flying planes, and marching.
- Several decorative tableaus signify different states, showing their latest achievements and enacting state specialization.
- School children perform diverse dance forms with excitement and pride. It helps them get exposure to thousands of people.
The Capping Words
Republic Day has a very remarkable place in the heart of every Indian citizen. They immensely wait the whole year for this day. The parade initiates from India gate and ends at Rajghat. It is the time of the year that provides everyone with joy and allows them to perform in such a big national affair. Republic Day provides everyone with a feeling of pride for the country. On this day, AMICI Global Solutions praises all those soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the sake of India and wishes everyone a very Happy 73th Republic Day.