20th Nov is regarded as Universal Children’s Day and is held in great spirits and enthusiasm across the world. This day is dedicated to children who are believed to have strong rights in society. The theme of this day states that every child has the right to thrive and survive in society, avail education, and stay safe from any type of abuse or violence.
The government in United States arranges dialogues in favor of children to ensure that their rights are secured. This body of thought’ was established in the year 1954 and now celebrates this day on November 20th each year to endorse international togetherness, awareness regarding children’s rights, and improving their overall health and welfare, and addressing children residing in every nook and corners of the world.
November 20th is also the date when the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child in the year 1959. This body is extremely delighted to run ‘Save the Children’ event which spreads the idea of bringing a halt to Violence against Children in its true sense! This day is regarded highly since millions of children become victims of brutality and violence every year and are unattended when it comes to claiming their rights. This day, as the name suggests, is a Universal Celebration and reaches out to children in every country, culture, and social level who are victims of physical abuse, exploitation, neglect, and violence. They encounter these abuses at home, school, or natural disasters which is a sad notification in a society which claims to be just and civilized.
Below described are few ways that are adapted to hold this event. It includes organizing an event wherein community speakers deliver speeches on the violence that is held against children in distinct forms including harmful traditional practices such as early age marriage, trafficking, exploitation and abuse, physical, genital mutilation/cutting, and humiliating punishment, and recruitment into armed forces and groups. The communities favoring the celebration of this day expresses serious concerns regarding growing violence and abuses which negatively impact a child’s dignity, development, and physical & psychological integrity.
About the Company: Amici GSPL supports the idea of standing tall against the idea of child molestation and violence. Universal Children’s day touches serious contexts and delivers the message of keeping the future of this world safe, secure, and healthy.