Remember that day when Yoga was declared as the celebrating festival on a particular day. Last year on 11 Dec 2014, United Nations General Assembly declared 21 June as an International yoga day. The declaration was posted after the visit of our honorable Prime Minister, Narendra Modi to the United Nations General Assembly on 27th of September in 2014 to experience the true benefits of an ancient exercise ‘’Yoga” for the people across the globe.
Continued with the words of Narendra Modi, he referred to Yoga as a precious gift of India’s ancient tradition. In a very attractive term, he described the word Yoga and its significance. His words in the air were, Yoga is something which impels the body to relinquish the soul’’, an exercise which strengthens your mental stability, so give a great start by adopting it as an “International Yoga Day”.
For the very first time in history, the initiative of any country has been proposed and implemented under 3 months and turned out to be the ‘’World Yoga Day or International Day of Yoga’’, announced by the United Nations General Assembly. After giving a short view of the history behind International Yoga Day, Let’s give a short glimpse to the significance of Yoga too.
Yoga and its Significance
Yoga has been a valuable gift not only for India but also for the entire world. It is an ancient physical, mental and spiritual practice that has changed millions of lives. Regardless of being the physical practice, to give the perfect balance between the mind and the soul is the real dimension of Yoga.
According to history, Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word “Yuj” which has changed the complete meaning of the exercise. Talking about the real meaning of Yoga, it is an old practice that brings the individual consciousness with the universe spirit. People have restricted its meaning just as the physical exercise where they can twist n turn the body in effective ways. But in actuality, Yoga is totally devoted to giving mental strength to people.
The essence of Yoga describes the Art of Living which comprises the different and effective postures that have their own meaning and significance like Karma Yoga ( path of blissful action), Bhakti Yoga( path of devotional bliss), Raja Yoga( path of mind control), Gyan Yoga and many more. These different types of approaches aim to strengthen the body, calm the mind and improve self-confidence. All age groups can implement this effective mode of exercise in their way of living. Regular practice of yoga retrieves out the new personality of the individual. Moreover, people experience relief from persistent illness.
Agenda of Celebrating Yoga Day on a Great Level
International Day of Yoga is celebrated to attain the various goals:
- To let people know the meaning and advantages of yoga
- To ignore the unhealthy practices and follow the good practices
- To make the people aware of the impact of yoga on our working practices
- To bring the different communities together on a particular day from their hectic schedules
- To transform the people’s thought process in a positive aspect.
- To bridge out the gap between health issues and their solutions.
- To promote the right way of keeping the body healthy by practicing Yoga
So, let’s gather and celebrate this impactful festival on a great note to make the country healthy!