What is the National Youth Day?
National Youth Day is celebrated on 12th January every year in memory of the birth of Swami Vivekananda, the youthful spiritual monk who introduced various philosophies such as Yoga and Vedanta to The Western world. The birthdate of Swami Vivekananda was announced as the National Youth Day by the government of India in 1984 as he has been considered a great source of information for the youth in India.
Why National Youth Day is Celebrated on the Birthday of Swami Vivekananda?
Being a spiritual leader, Swami Vivekananda is not only known for his introduction of numerous Indian philosophies and raising awareness regarding Hinduism and interfaith to the modern world, but also for his ideas, principles, and beliefs that provide extensive guidance to the youth. As stated by Rabindranath Tagore, if one wants to learn about India, they should study Vivekananda is everything is positive in him and nothing negative. Similarly, Subhash Chandra Bose stated that Swamiji harmonized the East and West, past and present, and religion and time which makes him great. Our countrymen have acquired unprecedented self-confidence, respect, and assertion from his teachings. The first Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru is also so is stated that swami Vivekanand directly or indirectly influences India and the younger generation can take advantage of his fountain of wisdom, fire, and spirit. Mahatma Gandhi has also said that by going to every work of Swami Vivekananda, his love for India became a thousand-fold. All of this states that Swami Vivekananda had a very deep and valuable insight into the idea of India, and can provide a good source of knowledge and value for the country’s youth and embark on the rightful path of enlightenment.
Many of his courts are still popular among the youths which are as below:
- “You are the creator of your own destiny”
- “Arise, awake and stop, until your goal is accomplished”
- “Take risks in your life. If you win, you can lead. If you lose, you can guide”
How to Celebrate National Youth Day 2021?
In previous years, youth and children all over the world celebrated this day with great enthusiasm by taking part in activities such as visiting local libraries, colleges, and schools and organizing events that are both educational and fun in nature. However, due to the current covid-19 pandemic situation, it is difficult to gather in large numbers to prevent the spread of the infection. And thus, the best way to celebrate National Youth Day 2021 is by learning about the life and teachings of Swami Vivekananda by reading his books and incorporating his ideas into your own life. This will help in promoting rational thinking within yourself and allow you to channel your inner energies in the right direction. You can also listen to his speeches on YouTube regarding brotherhood, religion, humanity, etc. to inspire yourself and contribute to your country. You should also consider donating blood to save the lives of others as this is something every youth should perform and inspire others to do the same.